Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Don't Be Afraid to Fail.  Be afraid NOT to try.

React to this quote.  What does it mean to you?


  1. This quote means to me that don't do or give up on anything without even trying it. It is ok to not always succeed. That is part of life however, it is not ok to not even try something. Failure is a step closer to success. But the real failure is not trying at all. Before you comment on something, at least try it.

  2. This quote means to me that I shouldn't ever be afraid to fail about should be afraid about not trying. You should always try no matter what and you should accept that you failed and learn from your mistakes. Build off your mistakes. I really liked what Josh said about failure being a step closer to success.

  3. This quote means to me that you should always try new things, even if you are not good at it. You don't have to be afraid to fail, because everyone failed when they first tried. Failing is good, because by failing you can learn from your mistakes. However, it is not okay at all to not try something. Don't thing you will fail at it. Go and try it for yourself. There should be no reason that you don't want to try something new.

  4. I think this quote means that you should never be afraid to try new things because you should not limit yourself. It is better to try something new and fail than to never try at all and wonder what would have happened if you tried. I think you should always try so that you don't live with regret and keep asking yourself what if. It is better to know and learn from failures.
